Friday, November 11, 2005

Same Old Brand New Me





wHooHoo~ here here~ my new blog, new life, new events, new guy! OOpz.

I was just thinking... am I happy now? Am I really contented with what I have now? My work, studies, life, career prospects, friends, interests, hobbies... and him.

Everything is smooth, simple and nice...

Too plain?

'Shrugs' who cares. no one likes the life I led before anyway. Smoke, Drink, Club, Coffee, Club, Drink, Club, stud..,club, swim,club, sentosa, club...

Going through the blogs of some of my friends (wink), well... seems like everyone has mellowed. DAMN! Going through a new turn of life.


  • Sammie ROM-ing next JULY~! GoSh, Can u BeliEve TT? I cant.. BUT IT IS REAL, and I m the BRIDESMAID!! hiak hiak~
  • Tessa... sweetie pie reallie stressed out from her studies w e amt of presentations and stuff. And her modelling & such.. (ps: she is prettier than before, god, Goddess of Venus)

  • Kattie is still in her job, maintaining a re'ship w her jeremy.. (or is it Jimmy?) miss my darling!!!
  • Tam... i dunno wadz gg on, seems things r not smooth, hope I can cheer him up somehow.. (BUT HOW?)
  • Lionel slacker is taking his exams, and moving onto DBS to be a BANK MANAGEr~ Oopz... I did not divulge any trade secret, have I?


Me here, happily sinking into the new found love of mine, Nerta, wasting every seconds & minutes bickering with him, looking for ways & means to cut down expenses and eventually incur higher expenses than before !!!!!

Participant of the Subaru Challenge, a waste that his wrist should hurt due to extensive bowling activities couple of weeks before for the Company league. Diversion: He got into the individual Masters and his team came in 2nd!

pretty boy who is ever so in love with me, never felt so loved by a guy before... the jerks before him never really showed the love to me as much as he does. Hey, but jerks, I dun blame you. You made me appreciate him more. Thanks!

Happily embarking on a new life.

New day, new hope...

Life is still a rainbow, we are walking through the different colours everyday. When the 7 colourd are mixed, it is either black or white.

Finally found ya


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